EP3114 Power Tray/KTUC09 Assisted, Integ Display, 485 EEV

Manufacturer: RCS
Product Category: Power Trays

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The Eden Powertray range of evaporator controllers delivers a powerful integrated single box solution for the automatic temperature regulation and defrost control of evaporators in refrigerated display cabinets and coldrooms.

The powerful Eden Powertray range is flexible and easy to install, configure and maintain, delivering powerful energy and cost-saving advantages from the very start.

The Eden Powertray range of evaporator controllers delivers a powerful integrated single box solution for the automatic temperature regulation and defrost control of evaporators in refrigerated display cabinets and coldrooms.

The powerful Eden Powertray range is flexible and easy to install, configure and maintain, delivering powerful energy and cost-saving advantages from the very start.

Based on the Eden Compact controller technology, these control trays deliver the control power and all of the other features of an Eden Compact controller within a prewired panel with the ability to switch all high current outputs.

  • Significant energy savings through RCS algorithms, trim heater level control and intelligent fan control
  • Support for all commonly used sensor types
  • Support for integral cabinets, ideal for convenience and forecourt applications. Single or dual compressor
  • Universal coldroom panel variant, providing individual evaporator control for coldroom applications
  • Comprehensive range, with EEV and LSV variants and options for IP and wireless connectivity. Integral communication support means no requirement for separate module/s
  • Automatic defrost control with defrost termination via temperature or preset time, encompassing up to eight defrost settings. Plus a remote defrost function
  • MCB protection of all outputs, a lockable main isolator
  • Facility to accommodate heater safety klaxons
  • Provision for logging sensor, either control or monitor with individual OT / UT limits and delays
  • Accommodates electric defrost, gas defrost and off-cycle defrost systems as well as “drop in” replacements for legacy systems across all temperature ranges.
  • Cabinet lighting / night blinds locally or remotely controlled.
  • Easy to commission, with multiple default options and local parameter editing via a intuitive front panel display. Remote display variants support remote parameter editing.


RCS Eden Power Tray Product Guide Version-2.5

RCS Power Tray Installation Guide