Carbon Savings
The wasteful mind-set that has been all too common is to discard electronic devices when they fail. Each time this happens all of the embodied CO2e is thrown away and a replacement unit with an equivalently high footprint is produced. In the vast majority of cases this is not because the unit is worn out. In general electronics are low voltage and inherently have extremely long useful lives. The reason for the failure is mainly down to one component or part of the circuitry that has been damaged by external factors or represents an inherent weakness in the design.
Repairing is the skilled process of testing the electronics, diagnosing the issue(s), repairing the fault and/or replacing faulty components, and then fully testing the unit. Maxey Moverley has over 25 years of experience with this and these processes are certified by BSi in accordance with ISO 9001:2015.
Repairing a unit saves the vast majority of embodied carbon. To buy a replacement generates new carbon at the rate of 25kg CO2e per kg of unit. By contrast our repair activities have been assessed to have an impact of only 0.95kg CO2e per kg of unit repaired.
So over 95% of a unit’s embodied CO2e can be saved by repairing rather than replacing. For an average laptop, for example, a repair would save almost a quarter of a tonne of CO2e emissions!
For businesses and organisations involved in the maintenance of electronic equipment, one of the easiest and most impactful ways of reducing carbon footprint is to repair rather than replace.
On the road towards your net zero goal, the most cost effective way to reduce your Scope 3 emissions is to repair rather than replace. You save money and carbon at the same time.
Contact Us
To speak to a member of our friendly customer service team about any of our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us on the details below:
Telephone: (+44) 1527 522 299